Summer Beauty Recipes Made with Amazake and Fruit

Jul 22,2016

The perfect combo for combatting heat stress and looking more beautiful

Amazake, a sweet beverage made from fermented rice, is known as the IV you drink. It’s been enjoyed as a summer energy drink in Japan since the days of the Tokugawa shoguns. Containing a nice balance of nutrients, it can be consumed just as it is to protect yourself against heat stress, or it can be combined with fruit. Dietitian and food coordinator Fujioka Misao explains how.

“The glucose contained in amazake made with rice malt and the fructose contained in fruit are perfect for protecting yourself against heat stress. Whether you’re feeling a bit tired or play sports, it’s a great pairing.”

The combination of amazake and fruit is also good for your looks. The oligosaccharides and fiber contained in things like bananas maintain a good intestinal environment and keep your skin healthy.

Get into better health with these breakfast and snack recipes

Here we share three easy-to-prepare recipes made with Marukome Amazake.

Amazake and Fruit Popsicles, which are made with amazake plus the pulp of watermelon and kiwi or other fruit, are the perfect treat for a hot summer’s day. The potassium contained in the fruit promotes water metabolism and is effective in relieving puffy skin.

“Vitamin C is degraded by heating but doesn’t break down when frozen. If you’re sensitive to cold, I’d recommend adding a little grated ginger. If it’s too much bother to make popsicles, you can make gelato instead, or you can just put the fruit and amazake in the ice tray and place it in the freezer. Use whatever fruit you like: pineapple or frozen berries or whatever.”

Amazake Mint Parfait with Grapefruit and Raisins is a light, refreshing dish made with a sauce consisting of raisins steeped in amazake and yogurt. The tartness of grapefruit and the refreshing aroma of mint nicely counter the sweetness of the amazake, making this a treat you’ll never grow tired of. The aroma of the grapefruit and bitter compounds it contains are effective in controlling appetite, helping you avoid gaining weight in summer.

“This dish supplements your protein intake with yogurt and is nutritionally well balanced, so it’s great for breakfast or brunch. The sauce also tastes great drizzled on seasonal fruits or spread on a slice of bread.”

Chilled Banana and Amazake Chè, a Vietnamese-style cold dessert soup, features two ingredients containing large amounts of B vitamins—banana and soybeans. That makes it effective in relieving fatigue.

“The important thing with amazake is to stick to it. Have it for breakfast or a snack or whenever you’re feeling sluggish. I’d recommend fitting it naturally into your biorhythm.”

Amazake and fruit recipe ideas
from Fujioka Misao

<Amazake and Fruit Popsicles>

【Ingredients for an easy-to-make batch】

Watermelon as needed (about 1 slice)
1 kiwifruit
【The amazake mixture】250 ml amazake、2 tbsp. sugar


①Remove the seeds from the watermelon and cut it into 1 cm cubes. Peel the kiwifruit and cut into 1 cm cubes.

②Place the fruit in small paper cups or the like. Insert a disposable wooden stir stick upright in the middle of each cup. Pour in the amazake mixture after mixing the ingredients well. Place plastic wrap over the cup, making a hole for the stick. Put in the freezer. (If the stick is too long, trim with kitchen scissors.)

*Adjust the amount of sugar to taste.

*To make a smooth gelato instead, place the amazake in a plastic bag with silken tofu and knead. Then mix with the fruit and put in the freezer. Once the mixture hardens, thaw it slightly and give it a light knead.

<Amazake Mint Parfait with Grapefruit and Raisins>

【Ingredients for 2 servings】

1/2 grapefruit
【The amazake mixture】50 ml amazake、1/2 cup plain yogurt、1 tbsp. (20 g) dried fruits such as raisins or cranberries
Granola to taste
Mint to taste


①Place the amazake mixture ingredients in a storage container and mix well. Leave in the fridge for at least one night.

②Peel the grapefruit and remove the flesh.

③Put the granola and grapefruit in a dish. Pour the mixture from Step 1 over them. Garnish with a generous amount of mint.

<Chilled Banana and Amazake Chè>

【Ingredients for 2 servings】

1-2 cartons (125-250 ml) amazake
1 banana
1/2 cup boiled soybeans
Approx. 10 peanuts


①Peel the banana. Set aside 4 slices and place the rest in a heatproof bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and heat in the microwave for 30-40 seconds. Mash with a fork.

②Place in a glass with the soybeans and pour in the amazake. Top with the banana slices and crushed peanuts. Mix together as you eat.

*Enjoy chilled in the summer and heated in the winter.


〔The amazake featured in these recipes〕

『Marukome Plus Koji Amazake Made
from Rice Malt』

Made with nothing but rice, rice malt (koji), and table salt. This amazake possesses a mild sweetness derived from rice and rice malt thanks to the action of the breakdown enzymes in the latter. Amazake is so rich in nutrients it’s known as a superfood. It contains just the right amount of sodium too, so it’s recommended for staying hydrated in summer.

Click here to visit the Marukome Amazake page, which describes how amazake is made and features recipes using it.

Food coordinator


Food coordinator


After a stint at a publishing house, Fujioka Misao struck out on her own as an editor and writer. Drawing on her expertise as a dietitian, she works mainly on magazine diet features and food catalogs.

She also engages in a wide range of activities as a food coordinator, including compiling recipes, preparing cuisine, and styling food.