
Natto: a traditional Japanese health food fermented with natto bacillus. Learn its nutritional value, health benefits, and how to enjoy its unique flavor for gut health.

The Appeal of Natto and Serving Ideas: Fermented Food Full of Health Benefits and Umami

Natto is famous as a highly nutritious Japanese traditional fermented food. Characterized by its unique flavor and gooey texture, natto has a broad fan base, ranging from health-conscious people to gastronomy amateurs overseas. On this page, we provide easy-to-understand explanations about natto, including basic facts, health benefits, and recipes.

What is natto? Secrets of fermentation and basic facts

Natto is a traditional food made from soybeans fermented with natto bacillus. It is characterized by its gooey texture and unique aroma generated by fermentation. Natto contains the following nutrients.
Natto kinase: Cleanses the blood and improves cardiovascular health.
Vitamin K2: Maintains bone health.
Protein: Natto is rich in vegetable protein, which promotes muscular health.
Food fiber: Helps alleviate constipation by improving gut health.

Health benefits of natto and daily serving ideas

Adding natto to the daily diet offers various health benefits. Here are some recommended serving ideas.
For breakfast: Natto rice and natto toast for easy nutritional support
For snacks: Combination of natto and kimchi to improve gut health
As prepared dishes: Topping for sautéed vegetables or salads to increase nutritional value
Natto soup: Make a warm natto dish by adding it to soup.

Recipes and ideas using natto

Natto is highly versatile for cooking in addition to simple serving methods. We recommend the following recipes.
Natto omelet: Simple recipe for frying natto with eggs.
Natto pasta: Add natto to your pasta sauce to create a Japanese flavor.
Natto taco rice: Top rice with natto, vegetables, and cheese.
Natto and avocado salad: Combine with avocado to create a creamy taste.
Natto dumpling: Add natto to the filling for Chinese dumplings to enjoy nouvelle jiao-zi.

Want to know more about the appeal of natto?

Natto is a typical Japanese fermented food, tastes great, and is good for health. Please visit the articles listed below for further details about recipes, health benefits, and serving ideas, to add to the basic facts about natto on this page. Let’s enjoy a rich and varied diet by adding natto to our daily cooking!

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